Ok, here you go...
All you wanna know about us.

The start
We had no clue
At the start of things...we had no clue.
The internet was cool. Design was the one love. Making things appear on screen was electro-magic. Sharing things around the world was just amazing.
How that all worked...no clue.

connecting the dots
But we figured it out
Started building up the experience.
Designing websites. Building and making things work for different sectors - retail, sports, entertainment, fashion, CPG, biomed, fin, tech, fintech, apps, travel, gaming, auto, movies, mobile...and then blending them all together.
lightbulbs on
Some things showed up more than others.
Soon we found the things that people and companies really relied on us for and focused on all of them.
We got really good at management and being trustworthy too. To the point that people and companies would just 'give us the keys.' They did this because they knew we knew what we were doing, and that we weren't trying to take advantage of them.

"Hey, run the whole damn thing.
We trust everything that apiaryINGENUITY is doing.
More importantly, I trust what apiary is doing. It is absolutely working in the best interest and benefit of my company's function, growth, and vision. "
— client that is a CEO & CTO of a tech firm

No, we didn't stop doing design and branding! We're still making some really cool things.
Look for the link for our designs and brand side of things and our other apiary projects.
With apiary, we just wanted to get really focused on the technical side of things…and by “focused” we mean ingenuous.
Finding ways to do things that just weren’t being done at the time. Like working on IoT, RFID distribution and use, product vision, integrated functionality, independent networking, devices, and more.
While doing all of that, a few things were always tried-and-true with everyone that we dealt with, no matter if it was an individual, mom-and-pop, international business, entertainer, gamer, etc.: they needed a domain, functional hosting, a beautiful and relevant website or two (or four), email established, marketing and SEO so people could find it, and a bunch of security to ‘keep it secret, keep it safe.’
So, why not make it easier for those things to be available and provide tools for managing it whenever you wanted to?
so here we are
We have the same intensity as before but from a different angle.
Always pushing and improving, being fortunate enough to be able to approach things from a design and technical aspect at the same time.
Sure, we’ll still help you design and build and all of what we’re known for, apiary is just a means of empowering people to grow for themselves.
truth time
apiaryINGENUITY is not the only company out there.
That is a fact. Not denying that.
We didn’t invent the wheel, and definitely not saying that we’re the only show on the road either. We know there are other companies providing similar plans/products/services like we are.
Some are bigger than we are. Some are more ‘known’ than we are. Like we mentioned before, we sat in the background working on and with other companies for decades. Some of which were the same companies we just referred to.
The choice is yours to make. apiary is just wanting to make sure you have the best options to chose from and that is all we will ever present to you.
for me?
Yeah, but is apiaryINGENUITY for me?
Short answer....hell yeah!
Starting off with an amazing idea and wanting to get your legs to make it stand?
Absolutely we’re for you!
We have everything you need to grow your fledgling idea to something even bigger and we’ll be with you every step of the way through your growth.
However far your go!
Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you're on your own.
well...it kinda does, but we got your back!
Emails, Websites, Hosting, Storage, eCommerce…WHAT you need; WHEN you need it!
Your business growth is important to you and to us. We’ll give you the full-time tech support you need and realistic tools to help your new business grow!
So what you're a student! You can still get your Start-up started!
Domain(s) & Hosting – Get that foundation to your online dominance going.
Storage – Be one with the cloud and not worry about having enough space.
Website – Get the website you need going and still have the ability to upgrade for growth.
Store(s) – Everything you need to get your product(s) out there for your customers.
Are you a gamer (we are too) and looking to create your own site…apiary is for your too!
Definitely want to get with us, claim your space and post links of your appearances and competitions, as well as post videos of your smashing faces, and live streams from all of your socials.
And of course there will still be room for your to do shout-outs to your fans and sponsors!
Mom & Pop, video production house, musician or entertainer, talent agency, or an international business??
Let’s keep you agile while you smash it out there like a juggernaut.
‘Big’ doesn’t have to mean cumbersome nor your actual size. You can make big impacts with a small footing.
apiary will keep your viable and flexible enough to manage your clients and customer while you also focus on your growth.
So why apiaryINGENUITY?
What makes hwat we do any different than the other companies out there?
Why should you trust us with your dreams, company, or goals??
Well, because we know what it is like sitting awake at 12:38am and wanting to build something that is going to be so badass that you can’t wait to get it out there.
But at the same time…you need help getting things set and ready to hit the ground the way you’d want.
We’re doing what we know we wish we had when we started. We’re providing services with a means for people to do more than just dreaming about something and actually doing it.
24/7 Support
Yup! You call and a real person will answer and help you. To the best of our ability we'll find the solution and even apply it for you if you like. You deserve that.
Security & Backups
We got security for you and your customers. Whether it is protecting your identity with private domain listing, SSL, malware security, firewall, or backups for your entire website.
We'll listen
Got an idea and wanting to know how to approach it? We'll guide you without charge or requirement to purchase anything.**
Upgrade or downgrade at any time it best suits your needs.* Getting more traffic, need more storage, need another CPU, SSL, dedicated hosting, or wanting to start selling products?
The same goes for downgrading. It is whatever you need.
MORE Versatility
Yeah, even more versatility. Building a domain portfolio to sell them? Want to do a affiliate blog? Got have great plans to achieve that.
We have a industry-leading options for you (adding more soon), and we'll be improving even more.***
As we improve, that means more options, versatility, and awesomeness for you.
We love you!
We think you are great. We want to see you success and know that we helped you somehow along the way. So if empowering you with a great plan, service, or option, for your domain, website, or store, helps make it happen...AWESOME.
Thank you for letting apiaryINGENUITY be a partner in your journey.
oh, yeah forgot
What is up with the name?!
So our name is a combination of two things – one metaphoric and the other a state of mind and being. We hope this gives you a better understanding.
Like bees, your online presence has to be housed somewhere, your data, all of your amazing store pages and items, emails...everything that makes your online presence buzz.
Everything on your server, in your hub, you send out all of your bees, connecting and advertising, getting info, promoting how great your have it at your URL. That place. Where all of that is stored and you send and receive information from your bees, making that honey, building that hive, that network...that is your apiary.
Like mentioned earlier, we're staying clever, and always thinking of new and exciting things to develop or do or make and try out.
Some of it will not be so much web-related, but will be tech-related and likely exist on the web at some point. (IoT and all of that.) Some will stay as concepts. Some will be partnerships. Some we'll try out and then if successful (and beneficial) we'll make them available to everyone.
So we keep the ingenuity side of us sharp and in use at all times.
Plans & Services
Look over all of our plans and services that we have available and be sure to check back from time to time, as we make more available.
Keeping count for you.
Because...why not?!
(Some of these numbers will be growing.)
Used "things"...clearly we love that word. (and growing)
Referenced bees (hope we didn't trigger a phobia)
Sleepless nights trying to make apiary just right for you.
lost count
Cups of coffee consumed (with honey) working on apiary.
* Upgrading and downgrading my be limited within the limitations of your previously purchased plan.
** Some of the guidance my be limited because a purchase would have to be made to realize what options are available to you.
*** We’re always looking to improve ourselves, and so should you. That is the only way we’ll grow and continue to be able to give you the best we can.